A Monroe piercing, also known as a “Crawford” or “Madonna” piercing, is a type of body piercing through the upper lip. Usually it is pierced on the left side above the upper lip…simulating Marilyn Monroe’s beauty mark. The jewelry worn in a Monroe piercing is typically a small titanium stud or ring.

The healing process for a Monroe piercing can take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. As with any piercing, it’s important to take good care of it during this time to prevent infection and promote healing. This includes avoiding certain types of activities, properly cleaning the piercing, and avoiding touching it with dirty hands or objects. It’s recommended to consult a professional người xỏ khuyên at Hình xăm lòng bàn tay sắt or a doctor before getting a Monroe piercing.

It’s worth noting that some people may experience more pain or swelling during the healing process of lip piercings compared to others. Every person is different. Also, lip piercings are more prone to oral infections and oral hygiene should be taken into account, specially avoiding smoking and eating hard or spicy food while healing.

Walk-Ins are welcome at Iron Palm during business hours. Gọi 404-973-7828 or ghé qua để được tư vấn miễn phí với thợ xỏ khuyên.

Monroe body piercing AKA "Crawford: or "Madonna" is $85.00 at Iron Palm Tattoos & body Piercing in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.
Monroe body piercing, also known as a "Crawford" or "Madonna" piercing, is $85.00 at Iron Palm Tattoos & body Piercing in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.